What Is Value-Based Care? Explaining This Patient-Centered System

You may have heard about value-based health care one time or another. But do you understand what it is all about? What makes this type of health care different from the health care model that is being used in the Philippines now?

This article will focus on what a value-based center is, and how it can benefit the Philippine health care system.

What is the current model for health care in the Philippines now?

Before we can discuss what a value-based health care system is, and how it differs from the current model that is used in the Philippines today, we have to first understand what kind of health care system is in use at present in the country.

The current model of health care that the Philippines has now is the more traditional fee-for-service health care system. This type of system requires patients to pay for each type of service they use. This type of system is used in many industries, not just in health care. More often than not, the payment scheme will center on how many services the patient will use.

How does a fee-for-service system differ from a value-based health care system?

If a fee-for-service system will let patients pay for the services they used, regardless of if the patient benefits from the service or not, a value-based health care system is a little different. A value-based health care system will focus on how the services affect the patients and only require them to pay for the services that they benefit from.

What are the advantages of using a value-based health care system?

This payment scheme will pose a big advantage to the patients and at the same time will allow health care providers to strive harder to deliver quality services to the patients. They will have to work harder to make sure that patients benefit from the services.

This type of model will encourage patient satisfaction. Many medical centers and hospitals claim that they are patient-centered, but they do not usually take patient complaints and suggestions into account. Most hospitals in the Philippines have suggestion boxes, and they ask how they can improve their services but the sad reality is that they rarely follow through with it. 

If the Philippines will shift to a value-based health care model, medical professionals and health care providers will be pushed to ensure that quality health care services are provided to patients, otherwise, they will not be able to receive compensation for the services.

In the long run, both patients and medical facilities will benefit from this type of health care model because patients will only pay for what they were able to benefit from and providers will strive harder to improve their services.

In a nutshell

To conclude, the country’s health care system can greatly benefit if our leaders ever decide to choose to shift to a value-based health care system. At its core, it is truly a system that centralizes on the value of the services and how much the patients can benefit from these services.

At the moment, the fee-for-service health care model is still in use but as the quality of the health insurance in the country continues to improve, there is a lot of hope for the health care system of the Philippines.

The government aims to have the PhilHealth insurance coverage be available for every Filipino. There is much work to be done when it comes to updating and upgrading the health care system of the Philippines, but there is also a lot of optimism in the air for a lot of positive changes coming.

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